28 September 2009

Day 3

Hello and welcome back to Geneva, Switzerland for Day 3 of the ICD iCamp.

On day 1 managing editors took on the role of a "proposal generator" for ICD-11. After reviewing the sample outputs in the iCAT platform yesterday, today they will role play as reviewers today.

In any scientific journal there is an editorial board, for ICD-11, that board is the Topic Advisory Group. Currently we have 12 TAGs each responsible for a different area of the ICD such as: Internal Medicine, Mental Health, Neurology, Dermatology, Maternal Health and many others…

The TAG has many functions in overall design of the future ICD. Most importantly today, we discussed how the TAG engages reviewers who are experts in the relevant field. Those reviewers evaluate the content proposals based on criteria such as:
- accuracy,
- relevance,
- reliability, and
- utility.

Population of the content model and the subsequent review process will serve as the foundation for the creation of the ICD-11. Tomorrow, we'll have a chance to review, and examine how each piece we have covered fits into the workflow in general.

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